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  • Karoliina Yarenko

    Karoliina's background is in social science research, but she is also a second-generation organisational consultant and has worked for many years as a business coach. Her books on work-life transformation, intrinsic motivation management, self-direction and self-learning management have put these topics on the organisational development agenda and inspired thousands of managers and HR professionals to build more inclusive learning organisations.

  • Mikko Ruokojoki

    Mikko is a nerd in all the great senses of the word. Before he got into the business of measuring and listening to people, he had an extensive career as a software developer. He once got to work with a very special team. This team used to track not only project progress metrics but also mood, and mood seemed to have a significant impact on how the work was progressing. And that's where the idea came from!

  • Ali Omar

    Ali Omar

    Founder, LL, MBA

    Ali is a government professional, passionate entrepreneur, doctor, MBA, angel investor and technology enthusiast. He has experience in growing a successful business in the healthcare industry. He has served the Finnish public sector in various capacities for over 15 years. His passion is helping entrepreneurs succeed and grow.

  • Reima Linnanvirta

    Reima Linnanvirta


    Reima is a government professional and angel investor with extensive knowledge of international business, asset management and law. He has experience in building successful businesses through legal and business consulting.

  • Janne Jormalainen

    Janne Jormalainen


    Janne is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He chairs the board of five growth companies. Janne started his career in large companies. At Nokia, he was responsible for several units, including an €850M business. Janne has worked as an entrepreneur in various fields and founded several companies. He has lived and worked in the US, Europe and South East Asia.