User support and frequently asked questions (FAQ)

You can contact Vibemetrics support by email at

On this page we have collected frequently asked questions and answers. Before contacting support, please check if you can find a direct answer to your question below. Your results pane also has a "About Measurement" page where you can find specific information concerning the survey at your workplace.

What is vibemetrics?

Vibemetrics is a service for conducting surveys, accessing and discussing the results and monitoring developments. It provides an anonymous channel for an organisation to create a shared understanding of what works and what is worth improving. Surveys can take the form of larger, more traditional staff surveys or management reviews, or individual, frequently asked questions that keep track of the thoughts and feelings of the work community in real time.

Vibemetrics was inspired by the Vibemeter©, a continuous  service where you can leave your vibes and comments. Monitoring vibes is the lightest and most comprehensive tool for monitoring well-being and performance in the work community. Monitoring vibes sends the message that people should and must be able to enjoy their work and that it is the responsibility of the whole work community to address issues that negatively affect mood. It supports community spirit, shared leadership and organisational learning.

Today, Vibemetrics allows you to ask and develop much more than just a vibe. The analysis tools are extensive and are available to all users as a matter of course. However, the idea and ideology of the Vibemeter still has a major influence on what Vibemetrics is and in which direction it develops. We believe in continuous dialogue, strong transparency and a quick response to issues.

Why do we prefer continuous or repeated questions?

An employee survey provides a single point of reference about  the thoughts of the work community at the time of the response. The moment of response may have been exceptionally stressful or, alternatively, exceptionally light, and this affects the results of the survey. An infrequent employee survey will therefore not provide as reliable information as a continuously open or frequently repeated survey.

Another reason for preferring constant or frequent questioning is responsiveness. If members of the work community report grievances, they should be addressed quickly before problems start to grow and accumulate. Rapid response and corrective action improves employee motivation and team performance.

Why do we prefer to present results directly to managers and teams?

We believe that surveys are a tool for the whole work community to create a common understanding and develop the organisation. That is why we think it is important that the results are presented directly to employees. Presenting the results directly also enables teams to address issues quickly.

So can I see the results of all teams directly from the service?

As an employee, you usually see the results of your team, the results of your unit and the results of the whole organisation. People in management positions see the results of all the teams they are responsible for. The results of teams of less than 5 people are not shown as such, but are combined with the results of teams at a higher level. The anonymity threshold can be higher than this if your organisation has so wished.

We have introduced Vibemetrics at work. How do I use the service?

You will receive an invitation to activate the service by email or SMS. The invitation will contain a link that you can click on to reply directly. Nothing else is required.

Vibemetrics works in a web browser on all the most common devices: computers, tablets and smartphones. The mobile app can be downloaded from the App Store (Apple) and Play Store (Android). On Windows phones, the service works as a browser-based application.

Do I need usernames or passwords?

You don't need a username or password. You will always be invited to respond by email or SMS, via Teams, or Slack.

You can also create a username and password for the service, but this is not necessary.

You can also access the service via the Vibemetrics app. It is downloadable free of charge from the Apple Store and Google Play. The invitation message includes a personal code that allows the app to identify you and access your service platform.

How do I respond to surveys?

You can respond to surveys either through the app or through your browser. You will always receive an invitation to reply, and the button in the invitation will take you directly to the reply or results screen. For a continuously open survey (for example the Vibemeter), you can give several answers throught the same invitation. You can also submit a mood at any time via the app.

How does the comment feature work?

Many surveys have a comment function. After answering a question, you can leave a comment. In the results view, you can see the comments of others. You can comment on other people's comments to discuss the results. You can also react to comments with emoji and mark them important. You can also reply to comments privately. The discussion cannot (for now) be continued after a reply.

In the navigation on the right, you can filter comments, i.e. view comments submitted by question and, for example, by whether the response to which the comment is attached was a positive or negative review. This is an effective way to get a quick idea of what is working well and what is not in your organisation.

Can I write anything in a comment?

Yes you can. The word is free. However, please do not post anything sensitive or inappropriate.

Is there any way to trace the author of the comment?

No, no one will know who made which comment. The service provider (i.e. us at Vibemetrics) controls the access rights and protects anonymity.

Please note, however, that the content of the comment will be displayed in the same format in which you write it.

What if I want to reply to a comment under my own name?

Replying to comments is anonymous. However, if you wish to reply under your own name, you can write your name or email at the end of your reply.

What do I do if I come across an inappropriate comment?

You can mark a comment as inappropriate and it will be automatically deleted. This function can be found in the top right corner of the comment bubble by clicking on the three dots. Reporting is anonymous. If necessary, your organisation's administrator can return comments that have been flagged as inappropriate, while preserving the anonymity of both the commenter and the reporter.

Can I delete an answer I have accidentally entered?

No, you can't.

Can I delete my own comment?

You can delete your comment by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the comment bubble.

How do I use the results view?

Different people have different outlooks on outcomes. As an employee, you usually see the results of your team, the results of your unit and the results of the whole organisation. You also often see your personal results in relation to your team, the organisation as a whole and, for example, other members of your professional group.

Managers see the results of their own team, or if they have several teams, the results of all their teams. Middle managers see the results of all the teams under their responsibility, both individually and as a whole. Top management sees the results of all teams or of their own business line.

Results for teams of less than 5 people are not shown. They are only shown as part of the next level in the organization. (Some organisations may have a stricter anonymity limit.)

How does the Objectives feature work?

Some surveys have a development objectives -feature. Adding new objectives is usually visible to the manager, the status of objectives is visible to everyone.

After discussing the results of the survey in your team, you can decide on areas for improvement. You can give the development objective a name and briefly describe it.

At agreed intervals (for example, every three months), the service will ask you if you have remembered to act on the development obejctive. Once the development objective has been completed and the new policy has been established, you can mark the development action as complete.

Is use really anonymuos?

Use of the service is anonymous. The Service Provider controls access rights and ensures the protection of anonymity. This is very important to us. No data will be passed on and no information about individual respondents will be provided to the subscriber. In criminal matters, we cooperate with the police, to whom we are obliged to provide the requested information.

I have more questions about the service. How do get them aswered?

You can contact Vibemetrics support by email at There is also a chat service at the bottom right of the website where you can contact us.

Where can I access the privacy policy and terms of use of the service?

You can access the privacy policy and terms of use here.