Management assessments

Ensure leadership development

Managing in a modern, fast-paced working environment is challenging. Leaders are expected to have all the same skills as employees, and more. They are expected to lead by example, create inspiring visions for the future, set appropriate goals, spur employees on to growth and development, facilitate work development and be sensitive to the emotional climate of the team.

The requirements for good leadership are constantly changing, and you need to ensure that your in-house leaders evolve with the world.

A variety of leadership assessments are an excellent way to provide feedback and help a leader to develop.

A 360 assessment tailored to you

Vibemetrics offers the possibility to carry out a 360-degree assessment, fully customised to your organisation's needs. This means that we can either use your existing evaluation questions or we can design and create completely new ones.

New questions will be created based on your organisation's unique culture, management frameworks and possibly your values. A tailored approach will ensure that the assessment process is as relevant and useful as possible for the development of your organisation.

Vibemetrics gives you a comprehensive understanding of how different stakeholders perceive the performance of your managers and employees, helping you to identify areas for improvement and strengthen collaboration and leadership in your organisation.

Draivi 360

Draivi360/270/180 explores the ability of frontline staff to lead in a coaching and intrinsically motivating way.

Draivi360 has been created in cooperation with the Academy of Philosophy. The questions are based on the self-determination theory and the freedom-flow-responsibility model developed by the Academy of Philosophy.

The importance of intrinsic motivation in today's working life is undeniable. The more quality matters in a job, the more important the role of intrinsic motivation becomes. As digitalisation progresses, the added value of human work will be based more and more on humanity: creative problem solving, collaborative thinking, critical thinking, inspiring and engaging others. In the future, the ability of line managers to lead intrinsic motivation will determine the success of a company.

Manager-specific questions

Assessment of leadership promises

Leadership Promises and Leadership Principles are an excellent tool for defining and developing the employee experience, as well as a daily guide for managers. However, it is important to stick to them and therefore it is good to monitor and reinforce them at regular intervals.

The assessment and development of the achievement of leadership promises serves the leaders in their own development, but it is also a tool for the whole work community to develop. Leadership does not happen in a vacuum. It is always proactive but also reactive, reacting to the work community. That's why we help line managers to develop leadership promises together with their team.